सब भन्दा राम्रो TEFL स्तर questics कोर्स अनलाइन

एक TEFL (एक विदेशी भाषाको रूपमा अंग्रेजी सिकाउने) कोर्सिंग गर्न सकिन्छ। यति धेरै विकल्पहरू उपलब्ध छन्, तपाईं आश्चर्यजनक हुन सक्नुहुन्छ कि कुन कार्यक्रम तपाईंको लागि उत्तम हो।

तिनीहरू मध्ये एक माथि जान चाहनेहरूको लागि र आधारभूत पत्यारबालिकाहरू, एक कडा स्तर te te te te tel प्रमाणीकरण कोर्सिटी कोर्स हुन सक्छ!

सामान्यतया बोल्दै, TEFL स्तर courses पाठ्यक्रमहरू केहि व्यापक रूपमा मान्यता प्राप्त र व्यवसायमा अधिक व्यापक मान्यता प्राप्त र स्वीकार गर्छन्।

तिनीहरू धेरै अधिक कामहरू हुन् र सामान्यतया परम्परागत प्रमाणपत्र भन्दा धेरै महँगो छन्, तर तपाईं धेरै जसो रोजगार अवसरहरूको साथ अन्त्य गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ र परिणाम स्वरूप उच्च तलब।

मैले मेरो TEFL प्रमाणीकरण अनलाइन लिएँ र यसले मलाई संसारभरका सबै यात्रा गर्दा अंग्रेजी निर्देशन गर्न अनुमति दिएको छ! प्रमाणित हुनु भनेको मैले गरेको सब भन्दा राम्रो चीजहरू मध्ये एक हो।

यो गाईडले आजको बजारमा fless सर्वश्रेष्ठ स्तर te tlfl पाठ्यक्रमहरू तोड्नेछ।

सामग्रीको तालिका
स्तर te totfl कोर्स के हो?
को स्तर art पाठ्यक्रम को लागी?
1. Thfl एकेडेमी
2. I-to-i tufl
Past। प्रिमियर TEFL
Ad। आयरल्याण्डको TEFL संस्थान
के स्तर ~ Totfl प्रमाणिकरण मेरो लागि सर्वश्रेष्ठ हो?

स्तर te totfl कोर्स के हो?

TEFL स्तर on को रूपमा वर्गीकृत गर्न, कोर्स सामग्री युके सरकारले नियुक्त गर्नुपर्दछ र परम्परागत टेफल प्रमाणपत्र भन्दा उच्च आवश्यकताहरू पूरा गर्नुपर्दछ।

परिचालक निकायले सञ्चार गर्ने र अनुगमन गर्ने कामहरू 5 टेफेल कोर्सहरूको योग्यता र परीक्षाको नियम वा शव्दको कार्यालय भनिन्छ।

एक स्तर te te tel प्रमाणपत्र एक clta वा trifstertttteal प्रमाणीकरण को रूप मा उही मापदण्डहरु को लागी पूरा गर्नु पर्छ। सामूहिक रूपमा, यी प्रमाणपत्रहरू एस्पिरियरिंग अंग्रेजी शिक्षकको लागि शीर्ष-टियर मानिन्छ।

सामान्यतया, स्तर te tlfl पाठ्यक्रमहरू सेताटा वा त्रिएटिस्ट्ट्टर्टर पाठ्यक्रमहरू भन्दा कम महँगो छ, यसले अतिरिक्त प्रशिक्षण चाहान्छ।

पाठ्यक्रमहरूले कठोर मान्यता र नियामक स्तरहरू पूरा गर्नुपर्दछ।

तल प्रत्येक कार्यक्रमको बारेमा कुरा गर्दा, म तिनीहरूको नीति र मान्यता स्थितिको बारेमा अधिक जानकारी साझा गर्दछु।

को स्तर art पाठ्यक्रम को लागी?

स्तर te tlfl पाठ्यक्रमहरू पारजीवक टीएफएल प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रमहरू भन्दा धेरै उन्नत हुन्छन्। तिनीहरूलाई धेरै अधिक काम चाहिन्छ र पूरा गर्न लामो समय लिन सक्दछ, तर तपाईं शिक्षण अभ्यासहरू र उच्च स्तरको प्रमाणीकरणको गहिरो ज्ञान छोड्नुहुनेछ।

जबकि एक आधारभूत TEFL प्रमाणहरू विदेशमा धेरै शिक्षण कार्यहरूको लागि पर्याप्त हुन्छ, एक उन्नत प्रमाणपत्र भएकोमा मूल्यवान हुन सक्छ यदि तपाईं धेरै प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक स्थितिहरूमा लागू गर्ने योजना हुनुहुन्छ भने।

यसले तपाईंको अनुप्रयोगलाई अलग रहन मद्दत पुर्याउँछ र तपाईंलाई लामो समय सम्म धेरै अवसरहरू प्रदान गर्दछ।

एक स्तर te tufl कोर्स तपाईं को लागी हो भने:

तपाईं एक प्रतिस्पर्धी शिक्षण बजार संग एक देश मा विदेश मा निर्देशन गर्न चाहानुहुन्छ

तपाईं विदेश उच्च-स्तर शिक्षण स्थितिहरूको लागि आवेदन दिन चाहनुहुन्छ

सेल्टा र त्रिएक्टिसटस्टोल पाठ्यक्रमहरू तपाईंको मूल्य दायरा बाहिर छन्

तपाईं धेरै धेरै समय बिताइदैनन् धेरै समय बिताउने एक उच्च-टियर टेफल प्रमाणीकरण प्राप्त

तपाईं टेफेल अभ्यास र विधिहरूको गहिरो ज्ञान पाउन चाहानुहुन्छ

1. Thfl एकेडेमी

ThFl एकेडेमीले दुई स्तर t टेलर्सर्स विकल्पहरू प्रदान गर्दछ। दुबै कोर्सहरू स्वीकृत छन् र दूर शिक्षा मान्यता दिएका आयोग (एक संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिकाको संस्था) र क्विलल (एक बेलायत सरकारको शरीर) द्वारा।

अनलाइन स्तर te Totfl कोर्स (168-घण्टा)

अनलाइन कोर्स एक 168-घण्टा टेफल प्रमाणीकरण हो जुन टाढाबाट पूर्ण गर्न सकिन्छ।

यसमा पूर्ण रूपमा नि: शुल्क -0 घण्टा शीर्ष-अप कोर्स समावेश गर्दछ। विद्यार्थीहरूले कम्पनी अंग्रेजीको लागि अतिरिक्त प्रशिक्षणको बीचमा छनौट गर्न सक्दछन्, युवा शिक्षण शिक्षण, वा अनलाइन सिकाउन।

कोर्सको बारेमा मोड्युलहरू समावेश छन्:

पाठ योजना

शब्दावली, उच्चारण, र व्याकरण सिकाउँदै

सुन्ने र पढ्ने तरिका निर्देशन कसरी गर्ने

How to instruct speaking and writing

Using materials and resources in the classroom 

किनभने TEFL एकेडेमीबाट अनलाइन स्तर te tel पाठ्यक्रम एक सेल्टा प्रमाणीकरणको रूपमा समान स्तर हो, जुन तपाईं सिकाउने आशामा व्यापक रूपमा स्वीकार्य हुनेछैन।

Cost of the 168 hour course with The TEFL Academy: 

The cost is $530 but it’s typically discounted on their site (It’s currently 50% off, bringing the cost down to $265). 

If the price is an essential consideration for you, make sure to check the course description page for the most recent price before making a decision. 

Your course fee includes the 168-hour TEFL training, a totally free 30-hour reward course, 6 months of course access, and virtual tutor support. 

Combined level 5 TEFL course (168-hour)

The second level 5 TEFL course you can take with The TEFL Academy is a combination program.

In the combination course, you’ll complete a 148-hour online TEFL training and then participate in a 2-day in-person training session for 20 hours. Your total certification will be for 168-hours of coursework. 

Like with the fully online option, participants will also get a totally free 30-hour specialty course in a subject area of their choosing. 

With the combined course, you’ll receive access to your online training materials right away after you sign up. The TEFL Academy will also give you information about how to sign up for your in-person training days. 

During the training days, you’ll get a chance to practice hands-on teaching skills, classroom management, and receive peer feedback. 

Cost of the 168 hour combined course with The TEFL Academy: 

The cost of this course is $840 but it is typically discounted. This includes the online TEFL course materials and 20 hours of in-person training spanning two days.

If there aren’t any in-person training centers near you, you might need to account for accommodation and transportation fees as well.

click here to learn much more and sign up with the tefl academy

2. I-to-i tufl

The i-to-i level 5 TEFL courses are regulated by Ofqual and certified by the open and distance learning quality Council. You can choose from three different certification packages which are explained in detail below. 

Online level 5 TEFL course (180-hour, 240-hour, or 300-hour)

The 180-hour training from i-to-i TEFL will help you build a strong foundation in teaching while earning a reliable level 5 TEFL certification. 

Designed for people who want to go beyond 180-hours of TEFL training, the 240-hour program also includes an extra 60-hour module about online English teaching and teaching students one-on-one. 

Finally, students can take a 300-hour level 5 TEFL diploma course fully online as well. The 300-hour course includes everything in the 240-hour course as well as a 60-hour add-on about teaching company English. 

Even though all three of these options are online, students will get feedback and support from virtual tutors if needed. 

Cost of the 180, 240 and 300 hour courses with i-to-i TEFL: 

Below you’ll find the normal prices for each of the online level 5 courses noted above.

Keep in mind that i-to-i TEFL typically runs significant discounts on their courses so it’s worth going to their site to see what the current deals are. (For example, at the time I’m writing this, all courses are discounted 60%)

180-hour online level 5 TEFL: $1,495

240-hour online level 5 TEFL: $1,595

300-hour online level 5 TEFL: $1,695

Combined level 5 TEFL course (200-hour, 260-hour, 320-hour)

i-to-i TEFL also provides combined level 5 TEFL course options. Each of the three combined courses includes one of the options above combined with a 2-day in-person training. 

You’ll complete the first portion of your training online in whichever quantity you choose. then you’ll enroll in a hands-on training day where you can put your new skills into practice.

Training days include feedback from an experienced TEFL trainer and a chance to acquire important hands-on teaching experience. 

Cost of the 200, 280 and 320 hour courses with i-to-i TEFL: 

The prices for the combined courses are as follows. remember to check the site frequently for discounts. best now, these courses are all 60% off!

200-hour combination level 5 TEFL: $1795

280-hour combination level 5 TEFL: $1895

320-hour combination level 5 TEFL: $1995

click here to learn much more and sign up with i-to-i tefl

Past। प्रिमियर TEFL

The level 5 TEFL course by Premier TEFL is regulated by Ofqual and certified by the Accreditation Council for distance Learning. training Qualifications UK has also approved Premier TEFL as a training center. 

168-Hour level 5 TEFL Course

Premier TEFL provides a 168-hour level 5 TEFL course that can be earned completely online.

Students will learn about general teaching viewpoint as well as how to instruct pupils in grammar, speaking, reading, writing, and pronunciation.

The course also covers lesson planning suggestions and how to use teaching resources in your classroom. You’ll walk away from your course feeling much more prepared and confident in your teaching abilities. 

The 168-hour program also comes with a totally free 30-hour specialty course about teaching English online. 

Cost of the 168 hour course with Premier TEFL: 

The cost is $639. check their site for discounts and promotions. They are currently discounted to $259.


The level 5 courses provided by The TEFL Org are regulated by Ofqual and certified by the British Accreditation Council.

At this time, they offer a self-paced online course as well as a combination online course with virtual practice sessions.

Level 5 online course (168-hour)

The TEFL Org provides a fully online 168-hour TEFL course for a sensible price.

In addition to offering information about how to instruct core concepts to English learners, this course includes entire modules devoted to teaching over the telephone and teaching large classes. 

The TEFL Org also includes a module with video observations so you can see how classes look in real life. several student reviews pointed out how valuable it was to see what they were learning put into practice in real classrooms. 

They created this course for students who were seeking a deeper TEFL knowledge. While their 120-hour conventional TEFL course is still very popular, this course is a terrific option for aspiring teachers who want a much more rigorous credential. 

Cost of the 168 hour course with The TEFL Org: 

The course costs $579 but is frequently available for a discounted rate on their website. The courses are currently $169 off.

Level 5 combination course (188-hour)

The TEFL Org also provides a combination online and hands-on course with level 5 distinction. The distinct part about this option is that the hands-on training component can be completed virtually.

While getting to practice teaching skills face to face is ideal, TEFL Org understands that not everyone can take time off for a full-day training.

If you have a busy schedule or don’t live in an area with TEFL training centers nearby, this could be a terrific way to get some customized feedback without missing work or spending a ton of money on travel. 

When you enroll in the combination course, you’ll receive instant access to the 168-hour online TEFL course discussed above. You’ll also be able to sign up for an additional 20-hour virtual classroom course.

Virtual classroom courses are provided weekly on a rolling start basis, so you can choose the time and dates that work best for your schedule. You’ll meet over the course of four days for live sessions, so it’s essential to make sure you can attend every meeting. 

Cost of the 188 hour combination course with The TEFL Org:

The combination course costs $729. This includes the full 168-hour online course and the 20-hour virtual classroom component. You’ll also get a reference letter from your virtual classroom teacher. The courses are currently $169 off.

click here to learn much more and sign up with The tefl org

Ad। आयरल्याण्डको TEFL संस्थान

This company provides a 180-hour TEFL level 5. They are approved and regulated by Ofqual and certified by the Accreditation Council for distance Learning.

Regulated online level 5 courses (180-hour, 240-hour, 300-hour)

The TEFL Institute of Ireland has three level 5 TEFL training courses available. The 180-hour course will take you through the fundamentals of becoming a teacher and best practices for your classroom.

On its own, this course will leave you prepared and qualified for numerous teaching jobs abroad, but if you want to learn about much more specializations, there are two other courses to consider. 

The 240-hour course includes the entire 180-hour TEFL training as well as additional training for teaching English exam preparation.

This course includes a 30-hour module to help students prepare for the IELTS exam and a 30-hour module to help students prepare for the TOEIC exam.

Having this training could make you much more desirable as an instructor or private tutor around the world because numerous English learners wish to prepare for these essential tests — especially if you hope to instruct English as a freelancer, having a background in exam prep could help you attract much more clients.

You can also choose to go a step even more with the 300-hour level 5 TEFL course.

This online course includes everything in the 240-hour course with an additional 30-hour module for teaching company English and an additional 30-hour module for teaching young learners. 

Cost of the 180, 240 and 300 hour course with The TEFL Institute of Ireland: 

The TEFL Institute of Ireland’s course cost breakdown is noted below:

180-hour online Course: €449

240-hour online Course: €499

300-hour online Course: €596

के स्तर ~ Totfl प्रमाणिकरण मेरो लागि सर्वश्रेष्ठ हो?

A level 5 certification course is a terrific option for those who want an advanced credential without a high price tag.

Even though a basic 120-hour TEFL will qualify you for many teaching abroad jobs, having a level 5 course under your belt could make your application stand apart to employers and allow you to apply for much more competitive opportunities. 

Consider your budget, timeline, and what kinds of jobs you hope to pursue in the future. No matter which course you decide on, getting TEFL certified will offer you with numerous opportunities to work and travel around the wo

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